In this engaging presentation, we'll take a closer look at the LGBTQ+ audience, examining demographics, cultural sensitivities, and the importance of representation in our artistic endeavors. We'll discuss the subtle art of tailoring messages, using inclusive language and cultural references to connect authentically. Join me in navigating the social media landscape with a focus on LGBTQ+ visibility, and let's unravel the strategies behind successful campaigns and purposeful partnerships.
Together, we'll address challenges with a practical lens, celebrating the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community and exploring how art and culture can foster genuine connections and understanding.
旅居海外約翰尼斯堡、巴黎、芝加哥和紐約近40年,擁有20年藝術、設計、商業與建築跨領域行銷公關與觀眾開發經驗,曾任職於全美第2大博物館芝加哥藝術博物館 (The Art Institute of Chicago) 行銷與公共關係部門 (Marketing and Public Affairs Dept.),擔任副總監達15年(1998–2013), 2009年芝加哥藝術博物館委由名建築師Renzo Piano所設計的Modern Wing 當代藝術館新開幕進行大規規模國際性行銷宣傳活動。
2013年起於藝術修復中心(The Conservation Center)、the Block Museum at Northwestern University負責行銷事務,積累更多社交媒體、廣告、網站開發及活動合作 等經驗,2016年跨足建築與設計領域,受邀擔任Skyline Design紐約分部業務與行銷總監至2020年。