New Taipei CityMiscellaneous and OthersGold Museum,New Taipei City GovernmentWith the urge and expectation of residents in the historical mining site of Jinguashi, the central government, local government, and local landlords, including Taiwan Sugar Corporation and Taiwan Power Company, began to communicate in 2002. At the end of 2004, the Historical Mining Site Museum as established to preserve the history and culture of the local mining history. This museum park, completed through the collaboration of residents and the local government under the central government’s direction, sits at the heart of the spacious abandoned mining site occupying an area of about 4.5 hectares. In the park, seven yesteryear historical mining facilities, including the bus parking, Japanese-styled dormitories, mining business offices, canteens, Crown Prince Chalet, telephone switchboard room, and police quarters, have been restored and one mining tunnel was re-opened. In addition to the onsite preservation of existing historical mining facilities, the museum engages in oral interviews, studies and investigates regional cultural assets, organizes special exhibitions on history and culture, arranges related performing activities and plans educational courses every year. By completing the preservation of the core areas and establishing related museums, the Shuei-Jin-Jiou Mining Sites attract over one million visitors every year. In the next decade, the museum will continue to engage in research and collection for the preservation, revitalization and re-use of the Shuei-Jin-Jiou Mining Sites, in order to transform research outcomes into contents for exhibition and education and introduce cultural and creative strategies to reuse these mining monuments. By doing so, the museum aims to achieve historical site preservation, education promotion, injects in energy through cultural and creative strategies, and achieve sustainable development for co-prosperity through collaboration.
Nantou CountyMiscellaneous and OthersJIJI Local Cultural Museum
Chiayi CityLife and Leisurei-WOOD Village
Kinmen CountyHistory and humanitiesHistorical Folk Museum in KinmenThe park is established to enhance the planning and promotion of the research, preservation, maintenance, promotion and consultation services of regional historical artefacts and modern artworks. Through effective park operations and management, exhibition and educational activities and facilities are organized to demonstrate the beauty of traditional and modern arts and implement “art in daily life and daily life with art,” in order to the spiritual life of Kinmen citizens and thereby achieve the goal of the “county acculturalization” policy. This agency is established by the related regulations to achieve the founding aims and long-term operations by forming heterogenous organizations and staffing and combining talents of different expertise and regulations including museum administration, folklore studies, landscape planning and design, demonstration media production, modern art, and artefact collection to fulfill the needs of actual development. To handle the promotion, publicity, compilation and printing of publications, and exhibition activities of the museum; guide, supervise, and evaluate civilian groups and individuals engaging in the museum business; and assist with handling emergency events. Collection, registration, archival, display and preservation of historical artifacts; amendment, interpretation, assessment, designation and announcement, and abolition of laws and regulations in relation to artefact archival; cultivation and human resources management of professional preservation and restoration talents; research of the scientific foundation and the technology and method of artefact preservation and repair; and education and consultation services for artefact repair technology.
Hsinchu CountyHistory and humanitiesLONG YING ZONG LITERARY MEMORIAL MUSEUM
KaohsiungArts and CraftsCHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF ART