Department Introduction
The park is established to enhance the planning and promotion of the research, preservation, maintenance, promotion and consultation services of regional historical artefacts and modern artworks. Through effective park operations and management, exhibition and educational activities and facilities are organized to demonstrate the beauty of traditional and modern arts and implement “art in daily life and daily life with art,” in order to the spiritual life of Kinmen citizens and thereby achieve the goal of the “county acculturalization” policy. This agency is established by the related regulations to achieve the founding aims and long-term operations by forming heterogenous organizations and staffing and combining talents of different expertise and regulations including museum administration, folklore studies, landscape planning and design, demonstration media production, modern art, and artefact collection to fulfill the needs of actual development. To handle the promotion, publicity, compilation and printing of publications, and exhibition activities of the museum; guide, supervise, and evaluate civilian groups and individuals engaging in the museum business; and assist with handling emergency events. Collection, registration, archival, display and preservation of historical artifacts; amendment, interpretation, assessment, designation and announcement, and abolition of laws and regulations in relation to artefact archival; cultivation and human resources management of professional preservation and restoration talents; research of the scientific foundation and the technology and method of artefact preservation and repair; and education and consultation services for artefact repair technology.