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Museum Island


Copyright Statement

All content published on the Ministry’s website, including text, description, photography, image, recording, video, and other information, except for items which cannot be the subject matter of copyright (such as law, order, text of speech, news release written by a government officer-please see Article 9 of the Copyright Act), are protected by the Copyright Act.
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The information on the Ministry’s website which is protected by the Copyright Act may be used only subject to the consent or authorization of the copyright holder except for fair use.
Fair use means:
Reproduction, public broadcasting, or public transmission of any work published by the Ministry on the Ministry’s website, i.e. the Ministry is the author, to a reasonable extent. Please provide the citation of source.
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Electronic rights management information displayed on the Ministry’s website shall not be removed or altered without permission unless where removal or alteration of electronic rights management information of the work is unavoidable in the lawful exploitation of the work, or where such removal or alteration is technically necessary for the conversion of a recording or transmission system under Article 80-1 of the Copyright Act.